Sunday, August 18, 2024

Planescape: Turn of Fortune's Wheel Chapter 6: Curst


Chapter 6: Curst


Chapter 5: Automata

I'm picking back up posting my in progress guide to running Turn of Fortune's Wheel. I am planning on posting a new gate town each Sunday. I'll have an outline of informatin about each time (including anything useful from 2e) and an outline of the adventure as written with any of my own tweaks.

·    Notes about Curst

o    Curst is the gate-town to Carceri, plane of prisons.

o    Curst is ruled by Burgomaster Viligus Bazengar, a shator demodand. No 0ne can leave Curst without his approval.

o    Maelephants guard the walls of the town, but they only watch for people trying to leave Curst.

o    The gate to Orthys, first layer of Carceri, is in the center of town. It has no guards, and it’s believed to be one way as no one has ever exited it.

o    All crimes and trespasses are forgotten in Curst, but anyone who breaks the city’s laws is chained and thrown through the gate, a practice known as second exile.

o    Regional Effects

§  Creatures’ movement is reduced by 5 feet.

§  Teleportation and any form of extradimensional travel don’t work. The only way to leave is through the gate or with the Burgomaster’s approval.

·    Locations in Curst

o    Burgomaster’s estate: Three story manor that dedicated to corrections. It looks like a grinning red face thanks to glaring red windows. Faratsu demodands linger about the estate. The burgomaster delights in making everyone in Curst miserable and edging the town closer to Carceri.

o    The Dump: Multiversal junkyard owned by a green hag named Dolores. Rust monsters roam the yard, and an adult brass dragon named Tudhog the junk worm creates corroded art from the misplaced equipment. A hairless cranium rat swarm floats about the junkyard, claiming to have escaped being mazed by the Lady of Pain and railing against her.

o    Traitor’s Gate: Roadhouse that looks like a big bucket turned upside down, ran by Tainted Barse.

o    The Quartered Man: This alehouse’s clientele has many exiled rulers in it. A key person to a character’s backstory might be found here.

·    Meeting Valder and Fellik

o    Characters quickly discover they are not allowed to leave without Burgomaster’s permission, who won’t even meet with them.  

o    Before characters try elaborate escape, Valder approaches. Read box text.

o    Valder wants characters to lead his son, now a petitioner (deceased ghost looking for final rest) out of Carceri.

o    Valder takes the characters to his house where he introduces his son, the ghostly Fellik.

o    Valder wants Fellik delivered to his rightful afterlife in Mount Celestia.

o    Valder knows a secret escape route through the dump. The way will be dangerous, and he cannot go for fear of attracting the Mercykiller’s attention.

o    You can have the escape start immediately or send characters out till nightfall if you want some more encounters in the gate-town.

·    Great Escape

o    The junkyard is dark at night. Characters will need a way to see in the dark or a light source.

o    C1. Junk Heaps

§  Two otyughs will most likely attack the characters unless they can find a way to communicate with them.

§  Fellik knows to exit through the dragon skull’s eye sockets.

o    C2. Hidden Tunnel

§  DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check to see footprints leading into sludge.

§  Sludge is gross but safe to swim in to fund exit tunnel.

o    C3. Escape Route

§  Amod Ka and Lot Sheng, two Mercykiller bloodhounds, are waiting for the characters when they emerge.

§  They followed Fellik hoping to use him to track down Valder.

§  They want Fellik to use to get to Valder.

§  Characters can use a DC 20 Charisma (Deception) check to convince the Mercykillers Valder is already dead or not in Curst.

§  Failing this, the characters either give up Valder or fight.

§  If the characters take the tunnel, they find the portal. Its key is an electrum piece that Valder gave Fellik.

      • Once the characters escape, this is a good segue to have the characters escort Fellik to Excelsior, one of the next gate-towns on their list.
Chapter 7: Excelsior

#Planescape #DungeonsAndDragons #RPG 

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