Monday, May 20, 2024

Guide to Running Light of Xaryxis: Chapter 8 - Arena of Blood

On to chapter 8. This chapter is pretty straightforward - go to Vocath's base, do a little negotiating, and then fight a gauntlet of foes for Vocath's amusement. And then the BBEG crashes the victory celebration.

Guide to Chapter 7: Trust Issues

Guide to Chapter 9: Discord and Diplomacy


·    Introduction

o    Read Warwyck box text.

o    Vocath evacuated hundreds of people from the doomed world of Fyreen.

o    Vocath has a base that orbits one of the nine moons of En.

o    Vocath enjoys bloods sports. Factions send their greatest champions to do battle in his arena.

o    Krux and Warwyck spend the three travel days catching up.

·    Vocath’s base

o    Docked ships:

§  slip 1: Skyrra, shrike ship crewed by aarakocra

§  slip 2: Remora, lamprey ship crewed by aartuks

§  slip 4: Tarrasque, space galleon crewed by hadozee

§  dock 5: Gadabout, wasp ship crewed by ssurans

§  dock 6: Vrusk, scorpion ship crewed by thri-kreen

§  dock 8: Devil’s Deal, a damselfly yacht belonging to Vocath

·    Base effects

o    Vocath can communicate with anyone in the base via telepathy.

o    The base is brightly lit with continual flame spells.

o    Walls of force separate part of the base; Vocath can move through the walls at will.

o    Vocath has two bodyguards.

§  Y’thraka, jovial githyanki knight

§  Sergeant Burt Fluke, foul mouther giff shock trooper

·    Characters talk to guards to get audience with Vocath.

o    Read box text.

o    Let characters have a chance to plead their case to Vocath.

o    To get Vocath’s aid, survive three fights in arena. If characters did a good job convincing him to help, have them make a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check and Vocath will allow them a moment to prepare, granting them advantage on initiative.

·    Match 1: 2 b’rohgs with disadvantage on initiative.

o    The b’rohgs default to Multiattack until they become bloodied, Hideous Rend the target that has damaged them the most out of rage.

·    Match 2: Braxat, brown scavver and gray scavver.

o    The braxat will default to Multiattack, saving its Acid Breath as a last resort if below 50 hit points. Its spellcasting isn’t very useful here, but it does use Psionic Shield each round at the first opportunity. The brown scavver will attack any small sized creature with the goal to swallow them whole, and the gray scavver will attack any isolated spell casters or lightly armored foes.

·    Match 3: Space guppy, eaten and replaced by a 100 ft long megapede named Queen Gorma.

o    The megapede is going to attack the nearest, most isolated character within its each time. If it has at least three characters nearby it uses Life Drain; if not, it defaults to Psychic Bomb against the same character it plans on attacking in hopes of incapacitating them and gaining advantage. This monster is very capable of taking characters of this level down in one hit.

·    End with Xeleth’s big entrance.

Tactics courtesy of The Monsters Know What They're Doing.

Chapter 9: Discord and Diplomacy

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