Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Guide to Running Light of Xaryxis, Chapter 11: Crowning Moment

The Citadel of Xaryxis

  • Arrival at the Citadel
    • Read the box text.
    • If the characters are prisoners:
      • A guard named Corelleth, who is loyal to Xedalli, meets the characters. He will escort them to the palace. He makes his friendly intentions clear, and can tell characters the following:
        • Prince Xeleth’s coronation will occur immediately after his father’s funeral.
        • Many wish Xeleth AND Xedalli to be coronated together, following the emperor’s wishes.
        • As emperor, Xeleth will have the characters executed.
    • If the characters are infiltrating:
      • The characters can land at the common docks and sneak into the city.
      • Once in the city, everyone is preoccupied with the coronation.
      • They have time to take a short rest if they take this approach.
    • If they land at the imperial docks, they will be greeted by Corelleth.
  • Temple of Light
    • Read the box text.
    • Have Xedalli look towards the characters insinuating they should speak up.
    • If they don’t, she still nominates them as bearers of a ring of shooting stars.
    • Verbal sparring between Xeleth and the characters. DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check to sway the crowd to favoring Xedalli.
    • Depending on who loses the verbal sparring, a challenge for trial by combat.
    • Read box text where Xeleth names the zodar his challenger.
  • Fighting the Zodar
    • If the characters won the verbal sparring for Xedalli, she leads a chant that gives each character 20 temporary hit points.
    • The zodar has two tactics – hit someone close to it twice and teleport them away or teleport a squishy far away near by and then hit them twice. I’d lean into the latter since characters keeping their distance probably have weaker Constitution saves.
  • Aftermath
    • Read the different box text depending on if the characters defeat the Zodar.
    • On to the final chapter!

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