Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Guide to Running Light of Xaryxis: Chapter 10 - Space Invaders

So begins the final part of Light of Xaryxis. This whole last part is a lot of combat with thin slices of high drama. 

  • Knight of Tu’narath
    • Read the box text and bad joke.
    • Most characters will be smart enough to avoid combat here. Remind them fighting a red dragon doesn’t help with their goals in any way. If they still pick a fight, I would pull no punches.
    • Characters might be able to gain favor if they tell the Dragaz about the mind flayer bodies on the Lucent Edict, or if they killed a mind flayer in the extra encounter provided in this supplement in Bral. Dragaz could show up at a critical moment later if the characters befriend him here.
    • The only other reason to include this is if you would like to use Vlaakith or the githyanki in later stages of the campaign.
  • The Citadel
    • Relate details of the travel to Xaryxispace.
    • Characters can easily find citadel in a day.
    • Read box text.
    • Begin combat between the characters’ ship and the Xaryxia. Combat starts at 1000 feet or skip ship combat if you prefer.
    • Note the commander of the Xaryxia is Vael, who led the attack on Faerun.
    • Focus on the battle between the two lead ships, but have other ships come by each round that can drop off additional attackers or be targeted by the characters.
    • At the start of battle, the Xaryxian armada consists of 30 ships. The characters armada will vary in size based on the last chapter. There are 29 ships possible from the prior chapter, plus the Second Wind, The Last Breath, and The Moondancer if you choose to have it join the battle.
    • Each side loses one ship each round.
    • When the Xaryxia is defeated, 7 young solar dragons join the larger battle for the Xaryxians. Two head towards the characters’ ship but won’t attack if Xedalli’s ring of shooting stars is brandished.
    • Unfortunately, the fleet is doomed. The characters can make a break for the citadel or surrender. I would frame this as, “We’re losing, but we have one chance…” an encourage making a break for the citadel.
    • The fight with the Xaryxia is a big, difficult one. I only had 4 PCs, so I gave each player one of Topolah, Grimzod, Warwyck, and Krux. The giffs’ grenades will be very helpful since there are so many astral elves.
    • I skipped the solar dragon battle. It was too much combat in one session, and the characters were already depleted, with another fight in the next chapter before a long rest.
    • I added random events at the top of each round as well:

  • I’m not going to summarize the Xaryxispace information here as I do not think it matters for the campaign.

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