Thursday, March 2, 2023

Spelljammer Academy: Orientation - A Guide to Running the Adventure

I'm running Spelljammer Academy for my two DnD groups, and I am posting my prep notes for others to re-use, and updating the posts with learnings from running the game. I'm using the template from SlyFlourish's post

Part 2: Trial By Fire

Part 3: Realmspace Sortie!

Part 4: Behold H'Catha


  • Review the characters


  • Welcome to Wildspace! - combat on the simulation deck
  • Academy Orientation - crash course on academy, layout, list of tasks
    • Debriefing and task assignment by Boatswain Tarto
    • Get welcome pack from Sor'Kur at administration
    • Get a bunk at the cadet quarters, deal with Veena trying to take it
    • Pass the obstacle course at the gymnasium
    • Ship inspection with Kip and Pak Whistleslap at the sky dock
    • Spelljammer Training with Saerthe Abizjn at the Spelljammer Nexus
    • Receive equipment from Mister Blip in the Academy stores
    • Report to Boatswain Tarto on the simulation deck for one last task
  • Intruder Alert - characters deliver a surprise to a hungover Mirt the Merciless

Secrets and Clues

Check off when revealed.

  • “Keep an eye out for some of these new cadets - they think the can cut it by studying all day, but it takes more than book learning to survive in Wildspace!” - a reference to Miken Haverstance in chapter 2.
  • “There have been a bunch of thefts around the academy here lately…Mirt and the bridge are letting any vagrant in the place!”
  • “Have you been to the Rock of Bral yet? Let me tell you, its the place to be in Wildspace!”
  • “I’ve heard tale of world inhabited by elves whose star is dying! Hate to be them!” - A reference to the Xaryxian Empire. 


  • Review NPCs
    • Boatswain Tarto
    • Sor'Kur
    • Kip and Pik Whistleslap
    • Saerthe Abizjn
    • Mister Blip
    • Mirt the Merciless



  • 50 gp voucher to the Academy stores
  • 50 gp ingot from Mirt once the Neogi Hatchlings are defeated

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